Thursday, January 2, 2014

organizing: apartment therapy january cure - project list

one of my biggest goals for this year is to create a home space that is relaxed aka clutter free and perfect for entertaining, so i am giving the apartment therapy january cure a go.

for one, i downsized from a 2 bedroom apt that i lived in by myself to a 1 bedroom apt that i share with, so one of the biggest challenges is where to put my stuff. mind you 90% of it is in storage but who wants to live in a place that doesn't have some of their personality aka doesn't feel like home.

so, i did bring some things with me but a lot of them are still in the boxes that I have to go in from time to time when i need things...

apartment therapy released the first task of the cure, which is to create a project list of the areas that you want to address.

of course this wall is a MAJOR one and i know that part of the solution will have to be to take some of my things to storage (boo hoo) but i am hoping to be able to just organize some of the things, so that i have them because nothing is more annoying to me than needing something and knowing that i own it but not having access to it.

so, creating my project lit is what I will be doing at some point today or probably more likely at various moments during the day...


  1. I swear by lists! Because I'm overcommited and quite scatterbrained I always need a list outline for me to ensure that I complete everything that I set out to do! Home included!

    Hope your project is coming along wonderfully!

    KIMBERLYLUXE + From A Wildflower

    1. Thanks...I love lists as well but sometimes even that love is a problem for me LOL...
